November 21

Secretly Dirty Homes: 8 Germ-Ridden Spots That Often Get Missed


You do everything you can to keep your family healthy. And your home is the heart of it all.

But could your home be harbouring germs and bacteria in places you don’t know about?

The short answer – yes! On the surface, your home can appear spick and span, but there are commonly missed areas that many people don’t even think about cleaning.

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of those secretly dirty spots at home, it might be time to consider calling in the pros.

Whether it’s a family member who just can’t seem to keep up with the cleanliness, or your home just feels like it’s getting dirtier faster than you can keep up, there are many reasons that hiring a professional house cleaner can be helpful.

But where are these germs hiding? Let’s look at 8 hidden places that are secretly making our houses dirty homes.

Toothbrush Holder

After you spent time and consideration picking out the perfect toothbrush holder to compliment your bathroom decor, it’s likely you haven’t given it much thought since. Why would you? It’s serving its purpose well.

But your pretty toothbrush holder may be hiding a dirty secret.

Water runs down the toothbrush and collects at the bottom of the holder. This provides the perfect moist breeding ground for germs from your mouth and bacteria in the air (toilet water mist!) to grow.

And if more than one person is sharing the toothbrush holder, you could be sharing germs as well.

Stick your toothbrush holder in the dishwasher regularly. Or wash it with hot soapy water twice a week to put a stop to the yuck.

Sponges and Rags

Sponges and Rags

You wouldn’t think that the very item you use to clean with could be harbouring grossness itself. But in fact, your sponges and rags are the germiest items in your house.

Bacteria, mould, and yeast can get picked up by your sponge or rag while you’re cleaning. And after it’s had time to grow and make a home there, you can spread it back into your house when you reuse it to clean again.

It’s a good idea to microwave wet sponges for two minutes once a day. Then make sure you replace them every two weeks. And for your rags, toss them in the washing machine using hot water after use.

Stove Knobs

Stove knobs are another item in your house that don’t get a lot of attention. Besides making them baby-proof, they don’t seem to be a hazard at all.

But in fact, when you touch food, particularly raw food, then touch your stove knobs, you’re transferring bacteria, mould, and other harmful pathogens. And when you go back to touch the knobs again, those pathogens get back onto your hands, which can make you or your family sick.

Wash your stove knobs once a week. And if you can remove them, even better. Giving them a good soak in hot, soapy water will take care of those pathogens once and for all.

Coffee Makers

There’s been recent controversy about dirty coffee makers on passenger aeroplanes. But have you considered the same dirty secret could be lingering in your kitchen as we speak?

The water reservoir in your coffee maker is a breeding ground for mould and bacteria. It gets into the machine from the water itself or from the air. Then the moist environment allows it to grow.

And if it’s not cleaned often and well, those pathogens drip into your coffee pot and end up in your cup of joe.

Always wash the removable parts of your machine after each use. And deep clean it once a month. Not only does it keep your coffee maker clean, it makes your coffee taste it’s absolute best.

Pet Food Bowls

Our pets are our family. We feed them the best pet food we can. But are we serving that food in the cleanest bowl possible?

Most of us refill our pet’s food and water dish without much thought. But how many times have you reused it before washing it? And think about it… do you know where your pet’s mouth has been before they stick it in their food bowl?

Old food, stagnant water, pests, and bacteria from your pet’s mouth will make their food station a playground for germs and bacteria.

Keep Fido safe and healthy. Wash their bowls in the dishwasher frequently. Or clean them with soapy, hot water.

Kitchen Sinks

Kitchen sinks

Sure, we scrub down our kitchen counters often. Food and drink are frequent visitors to our counters, so we know to keep them clean. But when those food and drink stained dishes end up in our kitchen sink, do you give it the same consideration?

Dirty dishes, sponges, maybe even bathing the family pet all end up in your sink. And the moist environment is a favourite to germs and bacteria.

Because soap and water touch your kitchen sink doesn’t mean it’s clean. Scrub down the sides and bottom of the basin twice a week. Then once a month, use a bit of bleach and water to wash down the drain. And don’t forget about that sink strainer.

Toilet Brush

Here’s another perfect example of a cleaning tool that isn’t so clean. Toilet brushes are notorious for getting used, then stuck back into its holder until the time comes to scrub the bowl again. And while it waits, all those germs and bacteria picked up from the toilet continue to grow.

The best possible way to avoid the dirty, stinky toilet brush is to use brushes with disposable heads instead. All you do is use the cleaning head once, then throw away the germs and bacteria with it.

If not, soak the brush in hot, soapy water frequently. It might not be a bad idea to use some bleach as well. And be sure to replace your brush often.

Doorknobs and Light Switches

It makes sense that some of the most touched surfaces of your household can be the dirtiest. Yet, few of us think to wipe down the doorknobs and light switches when it comes time to clean.

Everything your family touches throughout the day can transfer germs and bacteria to these surfaces. And when the next person goes to turn on a light or open the door, they are then exposed to that pathogen.

Good hand hygiene is a great way to combat this problem. Washing hands with soap and water throughout the day not only keeps your doorknobs and light switches clean, it keeps your family healthier.

But always go back and wipe down these surfaces anyway. You can never be too safe when it comes to the well-being of your family.

You No Longer Have to Be a Part of the Secretly Dirty Homes Club

Take back your home and end those germy hiding spots for good. And have peace of mind knowing your family’s house is clean, healthy, and no longer one of the secretly dirty homes in the neighbourhood!

Need help or don’t have time to tackle all the cleaning on your own? No problem! Book an appointment with us. We’d love to save you time and give your home a quality, professional cleaning.


Air, Bathroom, Cleaning, Coffee, Dishwasher, kitchen, Mould, Pets, Play, Pro-Tips, Remove, Stove

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